2022 Farm Updates!

Have you visited Majestic Meadows Alpacas & Boutique yet this year? Well, if you haven’t, you’re in for some exciting new surprises! We have been working hard these past few months to prepare for the year so we can all start out with a bang and have a fantastic fun-filled year!
So where shall we begin…if you’ve been keeping up with us, you already know we have added 4 new fuzzy young Flemish bunnies to our family. They are growing fast and they are adjusting wonderfully! In just a short matter of time, they have all come out of their shells and shyness stage and now know us all well enough where they can feel at home and safe. We are so excited to see how much they thrive with these warmer days approaching us because soon enough they will be introduced to their outside grassy area and have all the fun and play time they want without being held back by the colder temps!
Speaking of the weather, we have had some muddy, rainy days recently which can make it hard for farm visitors to walk to certain areas of the farm. Over the last couple years we’ve been adding covered walkways, more sheltered areas, and overall easier access to the animals when the weather isn’t cooperating. This last month we have been continuing to weatherproof the farm for a smoother visit by adding a long sidewalk leading from our main barn all the way to the rabbits enclosure and to the big pasture behind it. We have also added a new sidewalk in our kangaroo/wallaby enclosure in hopes to keep things cleaner and avoid stepping in mud on those wet days. Now you can safely go from each enclosure without the worry of completely destroying your shoes. With that being said, you still always want to make sure you are wearing your farm shoes when visiting as it is still a farm and we don’t have sidewalks inside the bigger pastures!
Last but not least, one of the biggest projects we’ve made during these last months is the addition of a BIG brand new barn for our miniature potbellied pigs!!! One of our favorite things to do on this farm, when we can, is upgrade our animals living spaces. And that we did!!! They are going to be moving into a brand new barn soon that’s way bigger than what they had before…bigger indoor space and bigger outdoor pasture space for them to run and play!!! We are so happy for them as we know they will be so happy to see their new area once it’s completely finished.
So come on back and see us! We have definitely made a lot of additions and improvements to our farm over these last couple months and cannot wait for you all to visit us and let us know what you think!